16 Best Things to Do in Cibolo Texas – Southern Living

16 Best Things to Do in Cibolo Texas – Southern Living

If you haven’t heard of Cibolo, Texas, you’re probably not alone. Twenty-five miles north of  San Antonio, this community has quietly built up an impressive list of restaurants, shops, and other amenities over the past five years as its population has grown. Pronounced sib-bow-low, meaning “buffalo” in Native American, Cibolo is also the name of a creek…

Best of Greece beyond Athens: Plan a visit to Messenia – New Zealand Herald

Best of Greece beyond Athens: Plan a visit to Messenia – New Zealand Herald

When one thinks of a Greek travel bucket list, the historic sights of Athens and escaping to the Greek Isles usually come to mind, but Messenia is an undiscovered alternative on the mainland, writes Jill Robbins. Messenia in the southwest Peloponnese is an easy, 2.5-hour scenic drive from Athens and delivers gorgeous coastal scenery without…

Saturday Evening Post – Elvis Would Be Turning 90 This Year. Here’s What It’s Like to Visit His Boyhood Home

Saturday Evening Post – Elvis Would Be Turning 90 This Year. Here’s What It’s Like to Visit His Boyhood Home

Reminders of Elvis’s life and music are everywhere, even 47 years after his death. From hearing one of his many hits on the radio to playfully mumbling “Thank you very much” in imitation of The King of Rock and Roll’s distinctive drawl to watching a seemingly never-ending stream of movies about his life, Elvis is…