Insider: I learned creases in sneakers are a big no-no with teens today. I had to buy my son crease guards, which are as silly as they sound.
“Why are you walking like that?”
As my 12-year-old son crept across our living room, he turned his toes outward and walked on his heels. He stepped gingerly, though I don’t know if there’s another way to step when one avoids using their toes. I was perplexed and wanted to know the deal.
My eyes homed in on his hours-old Nikes. We’d recently returned from Shoe Carnival, where I’d parted with approximately $65 to replace his outgrown everyday sneakers.
I know that wearing cool kicks is important when you’re in seventh grade, but so is being comfortable in the shoes you wear all day. I thought the new shoes were hurting his feet. But that wasn’t it.